Sunday, October 12, 2008



This letter, written to Mirza Husamaddin Ahmad, explains that worldly troubles will
promote a person though they taste bitter, and states the value of dying osf plague.
First, I extend my hamd to Allahu ta'ala and send my salawat to our Prophet (sallallahu
'alaihi wasallam), and then I pronounce a benediction over you. I have been disturbing
you with my letters. Shaikh Mustafa has delivered your valuable letter, in which you
advise us to be patient about the misfortunes that have befallen us. We have been honored
with reading it. All of us are Allahu ta'ala's property. All of us will go before Him! The
misfortunes that have fallen upon us are, outwardly, very smart, very bitter. But in reality
they are progressive and exalting medicines. [Certainly, a medicine will be bitter]. The
Waqf Ikhlas publications Endless Bliss Fascicle-
Page 168 of 169

benefits which these bitter events produce in this world cannot be a hundredth of the
blessings which we expect to be given in the Hereafter. Then, the child is a great blessing
from Allahu ta'ala. As long as it lives you reap many benefits from it. And its death
brings you thawab and promotion. The great savant Muhyissunna Bagawi (rahmatullahi
'alaih) says in his book captioned Hilyat-ul abrar: "When Abdullah ibn Zubair was the
Khalifa plague broke out, and it bereaved Anas bin Malik (radiallahu 'anh) of eightythree
of his children. Having been a servant of our Prophet's (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam),

he had been honored with his (the Prophet's) a benediction of barakat and abundance over
him. The plague bereaved also Abdurrahman bin Abi Bakr Siddiq (radiallahu 'anhuma) of
forty children." With this having been done to the Sahaba ('alaihimurridwan), who are the
best and the most valuable of mankind, how could we expect to be taken into special
accounts so sinful as we are? A hadith ash-Sharif declares, "The plague was sent as a
torture onto the previous ummats. For this Umma it is a cause of martyrdom." Indeed,
those who die of plague die in astounding serenity and with tawajjuh towards Allahu
ta'ala. On this day of calamity one longs to join that blessed company; one desires to
leave the world and accompany them in their cruise to the Hereafter. The catastrophe of
plague may seem to be wrath and torment upon this Umma, but essentially it is (Allah's)
compassion. Mayan Shaikh Tahir said that during the days of plague someone in Lahore
had heard some voices saying, "Shame upon anyone who does not die during these
days!" It is true! When due attention is paid to the states of these martyrs, bewildering
states, occult occurrences are observed. Such blessings are exclusive only to those who
sacrifice their lives for Allah's sake.

Sir! The bereavement of my most cherished son has been a very great catastrophe. It has
scorched me. No one has suffered such a burning grief. Yet at the same time the blessing
of patience and gratitude, which Allahu ta'ala has bestowed on this weak-hearted faqir,
me, against this catastrophe, has been one of His greatest gifts. I pray that Allahu ta'ala
will not give the reward for this catastrophe in the world and will give it in the Hereafter!
However, I am not unaware of the fact that this wish of mine originates from the
depression in my heart.

For, His mercy is endless and His compassion is profuse. Both in
this world and in the Hereafter, He gives profusely. What we expect from our brothers is
that they help and rescue us by praying for our guidance toward iman in our last breath
and for the forgiveness of our sins, which we have committed out of human weaknesses.
O our Allah, forgive us and do not let us deviate from the right way! Help us defend
ourselves against unbelievers! Amin. I send my salam to you and to those who are on the
right way.

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